Dr. Sam M. Saeed is the Chief Technology Officer of AERTC’s “ENUGY Project”, an environmentally responsible power generation scheme using untapped hydrocarbon resources in various locations around the world.  He has been instrumental in the design of the distributed micro-grid networks of the Project, and its integration into the planned transcontinental UHVDC super-grid currently under R&D. Dr. Saeed is also the Middle East and Africa’s Managing Director of the Advanced Energy Research & Technology Corporation -AERTC- an international energy technologies incubator based in the United States, Japan, and several European countries. Dr. Saeed holds a BS in nuclear engineering and a PhD in quantum mechanics with extensive work in the superconductivity phase of thermodynamics. Recently, the focus of his work has been to facilitate AERTC’s vision to become a technology based market enabler, in an increasingly dynamic and strategic power generation industry.